Art Aviso Exhibition event 3.0 – 1.5 Degrees

In 2019 we put a call out to Art Aviso Artist subscribers for submissions of artwork that referenced Climate change and artwork that was part of an ongoing exploration of environmental themes. A long submission window was given in order to encourage the creation of new work. We received 120 submissions from Artists across Australia and in collaboration with our guest Emerging Curator Autumn Tansey and Fortyfivedownstairs selected 17 Artists to participate in the exhibition. Please read the Curator Notes HERE

The whirlwind of data and opinion surrounding climate change can be overwhelming; how do we form something meaningful and informative out of all of the figures, news, opinions and anxiety surrounding this topic? Art connects us to the problem in a felt way, it encourages engagement, deep thinking, problem-solving and questioning.

We asked the Artists to ponder the following points:

·  Artwork that is part of an ongoing exploration of environmental themes.
·  That asks the audience to consider an alternative world landscape.
·  That addresses human fear of environmental catastrophe.
·  That champions the uniqueness of the Australian landscape.
·  Artwork about positive climate action and adaption of solutions.

The exhibition was hosted by Fortyfivedownstairs Gallery in Melbourne in February 2020.

We were also thrilled to welcome Skunk Control as our guest collaborators for this project. Skunk control built an immersive installation artwork titled ‘Dynamic Equilibrium’ in the Gallery (see images) and provided a presentation on the final day of the exhibition in which  incorporated interactive scientific experimentation and a talk about how art and science are essentially the same. Skunk Control blew things up, set things on fire and surrounded us in mist on the closing day of the exhibition in a fantastic presentation about the similarities between art and science, and the importance of using both to communicate to a wider audience.

1.5 Degrees online catalogue can be viewed HERE

Images: Featured Image, Installation shot – 1.5 degrees (Andre Elhay Photography)
Top Left: Julian Di Martino, ‘Wooden January 1 spoon December 31’ (Andre Elhay Photography)
Mid Right: Opening Night 1.5 Degrees (Andre Elhay Photography)
Mid Left: Linda Judge, ‘Our daily Bread'(Photograph Peter Schwacz)
Bottom: Skunk Control ‘Dynamic Equilibrium’ (Andre Elhay Photography)