Header Images: Left- Anthony Carey – Alexandra,The Keystone Right- Newnes’ Pictorial Encyclopedia, Volume 9, On things that interest you and me. A stone Key.

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(141) Rose Agnew - Mrs Ramsay


About this Artwork

Mrs Ramsay is a whimsical reflection on the famous “Ram in a Thicket” sculpture. The meanings attributed to this mysterious object are bound up with so many western ideologies and mythologies – from the potential sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, to the search for wisdom, to the rise of individualism in western civilizations. It is this notion of seeking knowledge that I have illustrated. Here, the nosy Mrs Ramsay peers through some scraggy branches to find out what’s going on next door. The unlikely posture and craning pose of the sculpture really appealed to me and suggested a very human inquisitiveness. Contemporary analysis tells us that the animal depicted is a goat, not a sheep, particularly a Markhor goat, a breed renowned for their antipathy towards snakes.

My lonely Mrs Ramsay could also be looking for her companion. She would do well to travel from room 56 in the British Museum to Philadelphia where the complementary figure resides. It seems mournfully appropriate that she forever peer out since being removed from her ancient burial place in Ur. How often do we feel the true meaning of things would be clearer if the context were different? indeed, it took me a while to realize i knew the objects shown on my encyclopedia page. Indeed, I had seen them in the British Museum and listened to a podcast about them on the BBC, but it was only when I read the title “Ram in a Thicket” that I put it all together.

About Rose

Rose Agnew is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice includes painting, sculpture, gold and silversmithing, botanical illustration, and embroidery. Rose is also a published writer, sometimes piano player and maker of ornate and whimsical cakes. And while it is challenging to find a defining descriptor for her work, it is safe to say that Rose has an intense love of beauty and the practice of making, both of which are fueled by an equally passionate inquiry into our shared world and human experiences. Rose is fascinated by the world and how we make sense of it. From the stories we tell ourselves, our dreams and our lies, to our retelling of shared cultural histories – these are the things that shape our views of the past and into the future.

Link to Rose’s Art Aviso Profile HERE

Rose was provided with the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia
Volume 9
The story of the early civilisation in the worlds history. How learning and understanding spread from the Mediterranean
In Ancient UR of the Chaldees

Rose Agnew
Water colour on paper
$300 AUD