Header Images: Left- Anthony Carey – Alexandra,The Keystone Right- Newnes’ Pictorial Encyclopedia, Volume 9, On things that interest you and me. A stone Key.

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This is an evolving online exhibition, more works will be added as they are completed – check back from time to time!

(161) Elizabeth Haigh - Do we need a reminder?


About this artwork

References ‘How Plants Live and Breathe from Newnes Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopaedia’ Vol 1 p 295.

Half a century on from Newnes explanatory diagram showing ‘How Plants Live and Breathe’.
I question ”Do we need a reminder?” Based on scientific evidence and the climatic conditions we currently experience -Why are there still debates towards the cause, effect and still denials of our warming planet? Is it not obvious that changing weather patterns are impacting our environment? To portray how our natural environment is under pressure I have deliberately used the same images and layout from Newnes Pictorial to indicate these changes in such a short period of time. To do this, I have stitched plastic and metal thread to indicate soil pollutants. Rain contaminants are shown by digital printing and collaging the periodic symbols of Sulfuric and Nitric acid (commonly known as Acid Rain). In addition, increased temperatures are indicated by smoke filled air and red skies to highlight the challenges plants now endure as they live and breathe

About Elizabeth

While walking can simply be an act of moving from one location to another, for Elizabeth Haigh it is a contemplative action that connects her to a powerful mentor and inspiration, nature! In an age where the natural environment is under growing pressure, her critical perception of nature’s micro world offers fertile ground that manifests with delicate, subtle but insightful art works.

Initially trained as a painter and sculptor, Elizabeth now includes textiles and other media to create unique works. Through the use of dyes in a ‘paint-like’ style that is loose and fluid; the twisting, layering, stitching and felting of materials like alpaca fibres, objects emerge with a sense of three-dimensional collage. While the forms suggest nests, eggs, seeds, shells, webs, the tactile surfaces reflect sensual experiences of taste, smell, touch. Combined, her recent works contain symbolic motifs that comment on the dichotomy of human dependence but also our impact on the environment.

Elizabeth studied Fine Art (RMIT) and throughout her creative career she has worked in a range of roles. Her passion in all aspects of art, together with teaching Secondary and
VCE Art and Design provides her with a wealth of experience and techniques to utilise when making her own artwork.

Link to Elizabeth’s Art Aviso profile

Elizabeth was provided with the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 1
The Wonders of Plant life in Forest, Field and Garden.
How Plants Live and Breathe – How seeds are distributed
Elizabeth Haigh
Mixed media, Ink, watercolour, silver and cotton thread, plastic remnants, Inkjet print collaged on 300gms Canson watercolour paper, 30cms x 20cms, 2020
$120 AUD