About Door to Door

For sales enquiries please contact Hayley at No Vacancy Gallery info@no-vacancy.com.au

( Please note: Prices for the Australian based project are in Australian dollars. Prices for the UK and European Door to Door project are in Euro.)

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This is an evolving online exhibition, more works will be added as they are completed – check back from time to time.

(1045) Sabine Skodda - Fragments hidden in frozen sea


About this artwork

cold turns water to ice
ice turns to water turns to snow turns to water …
an endless circle of transformation
and in the depths of the sea, there are hidden fragments of time long past

The artwork is based on two pictures of the Antarctic sea changing its appearance depending on wind and temperature. Inspired by the image of endlessly recurrent changes of the physical state of water, I made a collage of various fragments of Polaroid pictures (all of the pictures of the northern sea at different weather) on an acrylic pane which was then covered by transparent paper (representing the freezing water). Above, there are more fragmented Polaroid pictures (taken from the original photos of the Antarctic sea), embedded in transparent plastic and covered by acrylic again – altogether a layered object including very different kinds of representations of sea and ice.
And all that – again – transformed by the photograph which is not more than a single arbitrary view of the whole.

About Sabine

I´ve always been fascinated by the universal law of transformation and its varied manifestations.
The senses help the brain to construe what we learned to call reality – but it´s nothing more than a functional approximation to the outer world, transformed to something we are able to understand and to deal with.
The eye of the camera has its own rules and opportunities; it opens our vision to alternative versions of the world around us – transforming and creating something new.
The photographs themselfes get their own independent existence, becoming part of the physical world and the starting point for for my own deliberate manipulations by adding heat and pressure, chemicals and colors – and time. Maybe, I´m only striving to gain control and power over the process of transformation; maybe I´m struggling to briefly snatch the picture from the flow of time – the greatest and mightiest transformer of all

Link to Sabine’s Art Aviso profile HERE

Sabine was provided with the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 2
True tales of high adventure
When the sea freezes
Sabine Skodda
Polaroid photographs, acryl, plastic film
250 EUR