Header Images: Left- Anthony Carey – Alexandra,The Keystone Right- Newnes’ Pictorial Encyclopedia, Volume 9, On things that interest you and me. A stone Key.

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(Please note prices for the UK and European Door to Door project are in Euro. Prices for the Australian based project are in Australian dollars)

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This is an evolving online exhibition, more works will be added as they are completed – check back from time to time!

(119) Googie Ann - Fragmented ecology


About this Artwork

My mixed media pieces are visions of ecologists that pose questions about layers and threads that run through present day realities and worlds. This work explores the personification of the trust that exists within family relationships. The piece examines the dogged faithfulness; with the Doberman as code, that often occurs between mother and child. This sense of fidelity; possessive, positive and powerful within both mother and child is hopeful and safe, by way of the warm colours, and yet fragmented by each action., thought or touch. There is a tension, a push and pull, a soft and harsh. This tension sits harshly within bold colour and pattern contrasts and yet the female’s eyes, the floating bubbles urge the viewer to calm and rest gently in the emanating shapes. One gets a sense that if you peeled back this skin, layer by layer, you could come to understand the intricacies of my world.

About Googie Ann

My mixed media pieces are versions of ecologists that pose questions about layers and threads that run through present-day realities and worlds. Inspired by the natural world, my work explores how human, animal and the psychological might co-exist. My rigorous and ruminative works reconfigure our own understanding of the connections we have and make with all that exists around us and within us, asking us to enter that conceptual space where reality is created. The sometimes simplicity to my work is deceptive. One gets the sense that if you peeled back this skin, layer by layer; you could come to understand the intricacies of my world. There is one side where I know what I want to make and then another where I am propelled by my emotions, experiences, expectations, worldly delights and formal elements. These works seem to evolve by way of happenstance and and yet they expose my consummating playfulness with process.

Link to Googie Ann’s Art Aviso profile HERE

Googie Ann was supplied with the 
following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 7
Great painters of all Nations- How they lived and what they achieved.
Googie Ann
collage pen pencil
$70 AUD