Header Images: Left- Anthony Carey – Alexandra,The Keystone Right- Newnes’ Pictorial Encyclopedia, Volume 9, On things that interest you and me. A stone Key.

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(Please note prices for the UK and European Door to Door project are in Euro. Prices for the Australian based project are in Australian dollars)

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This is an evolving online exhibition, more works will be added as they are completed – check back from time to time!

(101) Sophia Franks - Insecta Vita


About this Artwork

Insects are among the most numerous of all living creatures. They contribute to more than half of all living organisms, and their presence exists in all environments on the Earth. An important characteristic of this work is that it is biodegradable, in order to minimize harmful substances entering our environments and disrupting delicate ecosystems. Inspired by the texture and patterns of insects, this work displays the diverse interconnected aspects that insects offer our ecosystems and the importance of their presence to all living creature and their habitats. Line, pattern, texture, and form is reminiscent of that of insect and their behavior. All varieties of insects display extraordinarily unique colours and patterns that can be accepted as a consequence of selection and adaptations. Through using bio-material within the work, which are derived from a variety of substances, in which insects exist and thrive, the intention of the work is to pay homage to the basic and considerably overlooked materials of the natural world, including clay, grass, mud, and soil.

About Sophia

Sophia Franks is an emerging contemporary artist from Wooli NSW. Sophia currently lives in Lismore, where she is studying a Bachelor of Art and Design full-time at Southern Cross University.
Working across a variety of mediums, a principal theme in Sophia’s work is natural occurring form and the importance of circular design, she is also concerned with issues surrounding climate change, consumption and wastage in the age of the Anthropocene. Sophia expresses these themes through the exploration of bio-based alternatives as well as biomimicry in order to elucidate new design ambitions. Translating these ideas through sculptural and installation-based artwork, Sophia aims to continue toward a sustainable practice through produce biodegradable pieces of art. She is addressing both personal and global issues that are consequential to our environment. Obtaining locally abundant resources and materials from her immediate environment, Sophia translates her persistent connection and admiration for the natural environment and the world around her.

Link to Sophia’s Art Aviso profile HERE

Sophia was supplied the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 6
The World and its work-Agriculture, producing food from the land
Some members of the insect family
Sophia Franks
mixed media; Bio-material, cotton, coffee and charcoal on woven paper