Header Images: Left- Anthony Carey – Alexandra,The Keystone Right- Newnes’ Pictorial Encyclopedia, Volume 9, On things that interest you and me. A stone Key.

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(Please note prices for the UK and European Door to Door project are in Euro. Prices for the Australian based project are in Australian dollars)

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This is an evolving online exhibition, more works will be added as they are completed – check back from time to time!

(72) Susie Baxter Smith - Mosi-oa-Tunga


About this Artwork

In this work I have disappeared to the base of The Victoria Falls on the Zambesi River in Southern Rhodesia. Also called Mosi-oa-Tunya “the smoke that thunders”. The water is falling heavily and noisily around me. Looking up I can see the mist, or “smoke” floating high into the sky. I can make out a few pieces of greenery above me through the gushing water. Bright green mosses on the rocks beneath me feel cold and slippery. Droplets of water shimmer and dance around me as the light breaks through the cascading falls.
This is how I imagine it would feel to stand beneath the Victoria Falls and have tried to express this with the cool blues and greens in this artwork. Collage in vertical lines of varying width have been used to convey the height of the falls and the power of the water tumbling down on top of me.

About Susie

I have lived most of my life on the Northern Beaches of Sydney and while I have traveled near and far, I find myself happily inspired by the surroundings of home. I studied fine art after leaving school and had a successful career as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator before deciding to become a full time mum to my two boys. That’s when my passion for painting was reignited.
The landscape I find myself in has been a long time inspiration for my work. I have had paintings exhibited in The Mosman Art Prize, The Warringah Art Prize, The Gosford Art Prize and The Royal Easter Show.
Collage and mixed media have become my medium of choice. I am inspired by the colours and textures I find around me and like to create numerous pieces of a particular landscape in paint, pencil and crayon. Then splice them and reassemble them to create one work. I am exploring the way we see and react to our surroundings, always being aware of many images in the one situation.

Link to Susie’s Art Aviso profile HERE

Susie was supplied the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 3
The story of the world and it’s peoples.
The Victoria Falls in Southern Rhodesia.
Susie Baxter Smith
mixed media and collage
$250 AUD