Header Images: Left- Anthony Carey – Alexandra,The Keystone Right- Newnes’ Pictorial Encyclopedia, Volume 9, On things that interest you and me. A stone Key.

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This is an evolving online exhibition, more works will be added as they are completed – check back from time to time!

(1095) Séverine Bourgeois - How dots make pictures... and create words


About this artwork

Drawing with dots is one of the most important facets of my work: the necessary rigor and asceticism nourish my creative process. I really enjoy to spend hours and hours working on a single image.
As a visually impaired person, Braille, an alphabet for the blind, is a building block of my written language. With the purpose to be visible and readable by all, it can be transcribed by black dots, as it is the case in this drawing.
In order to interpret the principle of the weft and its variations, the fragments of faces are made using dots of different diameters.The pieces of portraits are linked together by gold threads, a reference to the Japanese practice of kintsugi – how to overcome trauma in order to sublimate it.
I deliver here a very personal image but the implications of which are universal. An echo of the anxieties of our society and of the events that concern us.

About Séverine

Visually impaired since I was twelve years old, I have learned to see differently.
I have always questioned the notion of look and phenomenology.
How things appear in front of my eyes? In what way the message is interpreted, distorted, disrupted?

I have always played with body, nature, perception. A poetry of distortion.
I use words and images to explore limits and create hybrid universes.
I create paradoxes, additions that subtract, upheavals and shifts. I invent composites, modify scales, abuse boundaries and rigid rules of perspective.

From the word is born the image.
First of all, there is the text, tangible proof of the idea to be explored, and which frequently fades behind the drawing. Ink is my favorite medium, the one with which it all begins. Other techniques can help support the concept, but the crude and symbolic contrast of ink on paper remains a necessity in my artistic creation process.

My explorations rarely translate into a single image. The multiplicity of experiences and results fully participate in the course of the idea’s transcription. I tend to establish visual collections of dots, lines and flat tints from which my own perceptions are born.

I like to cheat my illness, a method of trying to control my helplessness in the face of its inexorable degradation.
Like a challenge, my little revenge.
I have fun with the dangers of the limit.
I live for a few moments in the dark.
I always see in the blur.
Disturbed body and blurred vision.

Link to Severine’s Art Aviso profile HERE

Severine was provided with the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 9
On things that interest you and me .
How dots make pictures

Séverine Bourgeois
Ink and gold on mould made watercolour paper
450 EUR