Header Images: Left- Anthony Carey – Alexandra,The Keystone Right- Newnes’ Pictorial Encyclopedia, Volume 9, On things that interest you and me. A stone Key.

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This is an evolving online exhibition, more works will be added as they are completed – check back from time to time!

(1037) Pernilla Lindgren - A circus between the lines


About this artwork

A circus between the lines is an interpretation of an already created circus.
Searching the lines, piece by piece, a new circus was found in the lines. Every line can be interpreted in so many ways, this is only one. This circus was found with a search for a circus in mind. If there was for example an ocean with whales in mind while searching the lines there would most definitely be some whales swimming there. What you already imagine is there is easier to find than what you don’t know could be there.

If you blur your eyes and look at something it is still the same thing but it looks different. Same as if you would turn yourself upside down or if you remove all essential colours but the black lines. With only the black lines left from the old circus a new circus was visible. One that is hidden in the forests with the circus crew waiting so long for the audience to show they started to grow together with the surrounding environment.

About Pernilla

Perniepaints, aka Pernilla Lindgren, is a Swedish artist born in Stockholm, Sweden. Pernilla grew up close to beautiful, big forests and the love for nature is a big inspiration for the works. The artist started painting with only one black marker, and that marker has followed the artwork since the start.

The artist creates both smaller paintings for indoor wall decoration and bigger murals for outdoor. Depending on the size of the painting different mediums like ink, acrylics, coffee and spray paint are used.

The artist prefers to use already existing objects when working rather than letting new ones be produced. Every one can make a small or big effort in order to try to to reduce the waste of material. A framed painting is most likely from recycled material.

The works of Perniepaints shows a playful interpretation of nature. It’s ok to explore without being able to explain. Humans exist only in the periphery while snails, mushrooms and frogs play the leading role

Link to Pernilla’s Art Aviso profile HERE

Pernilla was provided with the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 7
Great painters of all Nations- How they lived and what they achieved.
The Mills Circus.
Pernilla Lindgren
indian ink and acrylics
350 EUR