Sheena Mathieson

Sheena Mathieson (Australia)

Title: A Time and Place
Medium: Oil painting on linen
Size: 21 x 29cm
Price: POA

My Garden of Loss and Triumph is a time and a place in April 2021.
I start with an idea – a subject and technique.
I lose the initial idea. I persevere with the technique.
I add and remove colour, turning the work this way and that. Looking for something.
Things really aren’t going as planned.
I leave the painting and return each day.
Days of relaxation, beautiful weather, inspirational surrounds and Matisse, and I come out the other end. I have success.

Sheena Mathieson is a visual artist specialising in crafting art from the found. Her artwork explores the world around us through colour and the use of preloved surfaces and objects. She creates atmospheric paintings, drawings, collages, objets d’art and wearable art pieces. Recurrent themes include the human and natural form and spirit, and our tenuous relationship with the environment. Her work has a strong physical presence.