Mariona Clavé


Sant Llorenç d Hortons, Spain

Preferred artistic medium

Textile & Fibre Art

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Artist statement

Translated with translator

Express feelings, emotions, stages of life ... through fabrics and materials. I like it as I create my works and capture them on canvas in the hope that someone can see themselves reflected in it and be able to release their emotions.

I like to experiment because I know it always leads me to enjoy, create, play with materials, shapes and colors. I always like what I do and on a canvas, the possibilities are endless.

I work the material and harden it. Depending on the color I want to use, I dye the material myself and let it dry.

He always had the need to create with my hands. After trying a couple of things, she saw him capturing it on a canvas, filling me up.

Original text

Expressar sentiments, emocions, etapes de la vida... a través de teixits i materials. M'agrada mentre creo les meves obres i capten en llenços amb l'esperança que algú pot veure's reflectit en ella i poder alliberar les seves emocions.

M'agrada experimentar perquè sé que sempre em porta a gaudir, crear, jugar amb materials, formes i colors. Sempre m'agrada el que faig i en un llenç, les possibilitats són infinites.

Treballo el material i l'endureixo. Depenent del color que vull utilitzar, tenyeixo el material jo mateix i el deixo s'asseca.

Sempre va tenir la necessitat de crear amb les meves mans. Després de provar un parell de coses, ho va veure capturant-lo en un llenç, m'omple.