Mariona Clavé

Title : Forària

Medium: Linen and cotton fabrics, worked and hardened on a canvas.

Dimensions : 80×80 cm

About the artwork:

The day I found out that Art Aviso was preparing the virtual exhibition “Elsevere & Other Places”, I was about to finish my work: FORÀRIA. I don’t believe in coincidences so the artwork was created at the right time. Forària means “high seas”, where when you try to listen, silence surrounds you, where when you try to relax, the feeling of peace joins the silence.

The artwork is created with linen and cotton fabrics, worked and hardened on a canvas. The overlapping layers of fabric let us see a sky full of white, soft and tight clouds that despite not letting us see the sun, they do not threaten the storm. The overlapping layers of fabric show us an immense, majestic and infinite sea, ready to receive travelers from all over the world who lack the tranquility they so long for.

Where would I like to be at this very moment to escape to the real world? In Forària. We live in moments that a year ago we would not have even imagined, I have feelings that a year ago I would have thought impossible. Along with the pandemic, I have experienced the loss of a great pillar of my life, my mother. All together it has made me live the anger, the uncertainty, the despair, the sadness and the fear. Luckily, I was also able to feel the hope, the serenity, the gratitude, the joy, the love (of the people who are still part of my life) and the inspiration that I need to get you to FORÀRIA.

About Mariona:

Soc una persona inquieta i molt curiosa. Em costa molt estar sense fer res. M’agrada experimentar perquè sé que sempre em porta a gaudir, crear, jugar amb materials, formes i colors. Sempre gaudeixo amb el que faig i en un llenç, les possibilitats són infinites.

M’agrada l’efecte que dona treballar la tela. Volum, perspectiva i un punt de vista diferent. De tant en tant, treballo amb altres materials com el fil de cotó reciclat. Endurir els materials em dona la possibilitat d’immortalitzar els meves obres, creades en el moment just.

Tinc la sort de viure rodejada de natura i tranquil·litat a l’Alt Penedès, a Catalunya. Terra de precioses vinyes i fantàstics paisatges que canvien cada dia. Terra plena d’inspiració que em fa viure plenament i amb la il·lusió de poder expressar el que sento i en el moment que ho necessito, a través de les meves obres d’art.