Elementor #19866

Kitty Van Steenlandt

Title: Rainbow bridge
Medium: Cotton and handmade lace
Size: 21 x 29cm
Price: 200 EUR

Meditation with some friends around a big Tibetan crystal skull, we started talking about the Dakini goddesses and their task and so the rainbow bridge also was talked about in this conversation, feeling like I always am very happy to see a rainbow always, all these colors, I was inspired my to use the handmade lace my friend Peggy De Pauw (thank you) had made, to make my own rainbow bridge to go through for this expo. When you go through the rainbow bridge you will leave your old self behind and you will become your new self, that was my vision for the garden of loss and triumph.

I started out with making intuitiv paintings with black outlines and lots of colors, further going into round lines – into space series – working with handmade lace and other fabrics, using a lots of dotpainting and lacques, also using acrylpouring.

All lines are drawn out of free hand, using brush or paintpen.

When I make artworks it makes me feels good, and I want to share this with the public, this feeling of happiness.

I am open to open calls and showing my artworks.

I am currently working on a new series, I will post these when more is finished.
And I am currently following textile art for adult courses in Antwerpen DKO