About Door to Door

For sales enquiries please contact Hayley at No Vacancy Gallery info@no-vacancy.com.au

( Please note: Prices for the Australian based project are in Australian dollars. Prices for the UK and European Door to Door project are in Euro.)

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(1220) Jonas Lönborg - My Family And Other Dinosaurs


About this artwork

My piece for the Door To Door exhibition is titled ”My Family And Other Dinosaurs”, a nod to the somewhat autobiographical novel ”My Family And Other Animals” by British naturalist Gerald Durrell.

The plate I received to work from is ”Animals of Prehistoric Times, Plate 1”, showing a selection of prehistoric animals, one of them being a dinosaur of the genus brachiosaurus. I decided to use the different animals from the plate directly in my piece, a collage of vintage illustrations, paintings and photographs on aquarelle paper.

Being the father of two small children, dinosaurs are having something of a renaissance in our home. My 4-year-old daughter can name most dinosaurs on sight, and will happily tell you that the pteranodon flying across the top of my collage is a pterosaur, not a dinosaur. My youngest daughter, almost 2, gives a terrifying dino-roar whenever she finds their large T-Rex plastic figure, and laughs heartily when we get scared by it.

For me, dinosaurs have become synonymous with the joy of learning, of discovery, and of teaching. They have become inextricably entangled with being a parent, and with a parent’s love for their child. I wanted to capture some of these feelings and concepts in my collage, even though it only has the one dinosaur; the rest of the prehistoric animals are also pretty bad-ass.

About Jonas

I am fascinated by the massive global output of printed material, and how quickly it is forgotten or discarded after initial consumption. I search out old books, magazines and ephemera, breaking them down and re-combining them into collages to give them new purpose, and to ensure that I don’t get crushed under the growing collection, the looming stacks of books in my studio; once a vintage encyclopedia, say, has been harvested of its vital organs, it is much easier for me to discard it once again. 

My pieces are often focused around whimsy and absurdism, employing humor (often dark), kitsch, and visually- and thematically contrasting elements to give a distractingly shiny and often vibrant veneer to otherwise serious themes or social issues. I create both analogue and digital collages, fully aware of the conflicting dichotomy of repurposing original materials while at the same time creating more printed materials without destroying the original objects.

Link to Jonas’s Art Aviso profile HERE

Jonas was provided with the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 1
The story of the World in the days of long ago.
Animals of Prehistoric Times 1
Jonas Lönborg
Collage on 210 GSM aquarelle paper.
135 EUR