About Door to Door

For sales enquiries please contact Hayley at No Vacancy Gallery info@no-vacancy.com.au

( Please note: Prices for the Australian based project are in Australian dollars. Prices for the UK and European Door to Door project are in Euro.)

Click on Title or ‘Read More’ to expand, then click image to enlarge.

This is an evolving online exhibition, more works will be added as they are completed – check back from time to time.

(1071) Sophie Teh - New News


About this artwork

How we get the news has changed a lot since the 1950’s when the encyclopedia was published. Today, as we know, news travels fast and with few intermediaries. I was glad to be able to work with this page because it gave me an opportunity to express my thoughts on an important topic.
I took inspiration from the original illustration’s composition to make this painting. A Sunday comic strip format was used in the encyclopedia page to relate the processes involved in the reporting and delivery of news. I retained its graphical tiers in my composition to represent the unchanged fundamentals of story-telling – news may be uncovered easily with a camera phone but information still needs to be stratified for consumption. I also pay homage to the strong diagonals artfully deployed by the illustrator to add visual drama and dynamism to the illustration. A battered object with the barely legible word ’truth’ written on it floats in the space within a created structure for information, like a caption box seen in comics. This is my limited voice as the narrator, an observer to the unfolding events of the world, concerned about news manipulation in today’s media.

About Sophie

Sophie Teh is a painter and installation artist who is interested in showing simple forms in non-predictable ways. Familiar objects and patterns are used in her art to explore her interest in visual perception and how cultural conditioning and personal memories influence how we perceive and react to visual stimuli. Her work contains material references that are influenced by her earlier career in architecture.
Teh’s art plays with both abstract and figurative themes and neo-objects are employed to further push assumptions and the imagination. Forms and colours are used to invite interpretations and dialogues and they are meant to ignite associations and emotions that would be different to each viewer. Her art poses questions about what our attention is drawn to. The artist’s hypothesis about painting is that we cognitively and perceptually mesh with painting, that there’s a mutual activation, and the resulting experience is generative.
The artist lives and works in Barcelona.

Link to Sophie’s Art Aviso profile HERE

Sophie was provided with the following page from Newnes’ Pictorial Knowledge Encyclopedia:

Volume 9
Industries that serve our everyday needs
How we get the News
Sophie The
Acrylic and oil on canvas paper
150 EUR